Free Transparent Background Maker

Free and automatic transparent PNG tool

Turn your pictures into transparent PNG images with inPixio’s online transparent background maker.

Remove background from image
Image background eraser


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How to make a transparent background

Turn any picture into a transparent PNG

Powerful AI detects the subject of your photo and generates a transparent PNG file automatically

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Transparent background FAQs

What is a transparent background called?

A transparent background image is often a PNG. PNG is one of the most used image formats that support background transparency.

How do I make a logo transparent?

To make a logo transparent, you can use an online tool. Upload your logo to the transparent background maker, and if necessary, adjust the foreground selection. Then download your logo in PNG format. Now it's ready to use with any new background.

How can I make a product image transparent?

To make a product photo transparent first remove the image background, then save the see-through picture as a PNG file. Making picture backgrounds transparent is a good way to spotlight a product.

How to make a white background transparent

If you want to make your image background transparent instead of white, simply remove the background and save your image in PNG format. You can use a free transparent background maker to do this.

What file types have transparent backgrounds?

Two popular image file formats that support transparency are PNG and GIF. PNG and GIF images tend to be heavy so making them transparent is one way to reduce file size, increase loading speed and make the images easier to share. Other file formats that support transparency include TIFF and BMP as well as vector formats such as SVG.

Is PNG transparent?

PNG is a file format that supports transparency but not all PNG images are transparent. To make a PNG image transparent, simply remove image background.

Can a JPG be transparent?

Standard JPG files cannot be transparent, though they have other advantages such as being lighter weight and easier to share.

Can I convert a JPG to a transparent PNG file?

It's easy to make a jpg image transparent by removing the background and saving the image in PNG format. Alternatively, you can first convert JPG to PNG with an online converter tool, before removing the background to make the picture transparent.

What other tools can you use to make a transparent background?

If you're ready to go beyond the free online transparent background maker, you can use download software or apps to get even better results. For example, check out inPixio Photo Studio, our best software to make a background image transparent.